Really like this song recently. It really tells how we, 30 something guys, feel:
男子組 - 林海峰
一二三四 兄弟打氣
中環人收工除呔 黑皮鞋收埋 穿新出經典復刻 七零年波鞋
湊夠腳約嚇老友 踢嚇波冇壞 細個慨老友到曬 個個都肚腩大
新波衫波砵皮球衝出球場拉柴 心情如小孩 仲扮活潑通山嗌
波友一黐埋 吹水懶灰諧 三張幾通處派 佢大力射左出界
身邊靚女走曬 我額頭禿鬼曬 仲廿歲仔咩 o徙氣
你系咪要想死 想死你都有排
車樓我點供曬 一身屁股的債 仲扮眼濕濕 扮曬o翕耷
但系我都冇錢 點借錢你還欠債
* 老友咪歎氣 我點幫你 baby 振振兩臂 拍拍背肌
打氣 baby 力要谷起 想當天可以孩子氣 未要揹飛
今天爭爭氣男子組靠你 *
死仔 黎埋堆啦埋 死佬 玩得起玩埋
死仔包 爭乜鬼金牌 一齊 跑唔完都跑埋
小球場 一班耆英 跑全場死捱 筲箕灣施丹大坑碧鹹狂打柴
踢兩野個個斷氣 個個煙癮大 老友記老過魯爾 對腳應砌去賣
呢班波 當打時期 拿小型球金牌 呢場全挽鞋 大啖白泡嘔得快
口水都干埋 踩波車拗柴 乜筋都抽過曬 佢淨系打winning快
啤酒兩jar隊曬 身紀有得好快 系咪要修身 減肥
食藥再搣脂 姿整過小女孩 翻工我翻足曬 我份人工減曬
又未到炒得 未算死得 就算炒 最多早退休 暢遊世界
Repeat *
細個大家執波很快 個個大把瀟灑走上街
球場維記 行行企企 平台訓覺 魚翅我食到飽曬
要買合金爸爸即買 細個話之當街小個解
童年時你 童年時我 聯群結拜 成個世界我玩曬
老友咪放棄 放都o徙氣 baby 振振兩臂 拍拍背肌
打氣 baby 用腦谷起 一班啤酒肚在喘氣 大曬腹肌
老友我撐你 我梗幫你 baby 振振兩臂 拍拍背肌
打氣 baby 射到飛起 今天點可以話之理 仲放飛機
Funny Fund Ad
In short, the message is converting wool $500 per kg to carpet $12,000@. So the bank is helping you to manage the growth of your asset.
2 things I've found this funny. Firstly, the appreciation of value is mainly due to the guy in the middle. And part of such appreciation goes to this guy. So there is actually no way you can tell how much of such gain goes to you pocket.
Secondly, actually this is the first thing came to my mind, in Chinese saying, wool comes from sheep. It means whatever you get it comes originally from you. It carries a negative meaning. So the extra gain from the carpet is from the wool you start with and the money you pay to the middleman. Actually, you gain nothing at all!
I think in fund management, asset management fee is a concern. I wouldn't use or show sheep as something to sell your message.
My new hobby
Looking at my new hobby through my eyes. Trumpet is really a sexy instrument. Practising is tough. But really enjoyable. I hope I can play some real tunes real soon.
I am now taking a lesson from Tom Lee on every Monday evening.
Sale in Jusco
There is a sale in Jusco. About 10% in most items. The place is just packed like crazy. It seems to draw all the people from the neighborhood. Other mall or supermarket around needs to do heavy discount in order to fight back. But looking at the crowd here, no need to tell who has won.
Actually for some items, they have been marked up before the discount. Therefore, it is not really a great deal afterall. But we need to do xmas shopping anyway.