I used to have quite a bad back problem. I blamed it on my old mattress, and me not sitting or standing properly. My back is not straight, which besides causing an appearance problem, it does hurt.
Therefore, 4 weeks ago, I went to a (kind-of) chiropractor a friend recommended. The reason why I said "kind-of" is his method of treatment. It is certainly not something I have seen or heard of before. And actually, it is not just 1 chiropractor, but a family of chiropractors! And we all call him 神醫 because he really treats many people including some of us. And he can fix problem which we thought may have nothing to do with the back! Amazing!
Their office is in a office building somewhere in Mongkok. It is nothing like a proper clinic. It's just an office space with lots of chairs. As 師傅(the master, which he prefers us calling) describes it himself, it's like a community center. We sat together and waited for our turn to get into a partitioned area. Inside, there is nothing but a small wooden chair.
In the beginning, he would ask us what is wrong with us. Actually, I thought I don't have a specific problem. Just poor posture since I was young. I had little hope that he could really do anything about it. But I don't mind trying. There is a friend going with me. 師傅 asked if he noticed that his face is a little bit twisted. Without him telling, I didn't as well. But in fact he is right! And the amazing thing is 師傅 fixed it!!!
The treatment method is very unique. You sit on the chair. One person will have to hold the lower part of your body, so that you cannot move. The second one will search your back bone, looking for dislocation. At least, it's what I think they're looking for. As I bend down as requested, 師傅 said to his 2 students (his sons-in-law), "see, no need to press and you can see the problem." I thought to myself, "Gee... Am I that serious?"
Here come their trick. As I bend down, the one at my back looked for the dislocated bone starting from the bottom of my spine. He pressed against it and spin my upper body. The method is very difficult to describe with words. Basically, I started from bending down. He spin me to one side and bend towards the back and then brought me back to the original position. Then he moved up to the next dislocation and spin my body clockwise or counter-clockwise. Each time, they would only do a small portion with 2 to 3 spins. Then I got a rest. And it would be the other's turn. It started from the bottom to my neck. Arms, and then legs. The whole process took about 2 hours. Most of which is waiting time. After the first day, I thought I was very courageous to let someone do that to my spine. Who can guarantee that they won't break it? But the result is amazing. My back actually got straighter!
It is quite noticeable when sleeping. My lower back could not touch the mattress before. And now I could! The most important of all, the pain is gone. As I am standing or walking, I notice that I do involuntary stand straighter as well. The muscle in the back gets stronger and is not as tense as before.
And one other amazing thing, which is gone, is my hand sweat! When he touched my hand, he asked how came they were so wet. And he said there is a part of the bone, which may press against the nerve to stimulate sweating. I had serious doubt that it could be fixed, as the heavy sweating hands are with me probably since I was born. Anyway, he checked that bone and gave me a spin. At that time, nothing happens. It still sweated like open tap. But after the whole treatment process (once a week for 3 times), and doing the exercise he instructed, my hands do get dry! It still gets wet once in a while, as I get very nervous or after exercise. But at least it stopped after a while. In the past, it just won't stop! Also, I notice that if I got a back pain because of getting hurt again, the sweat will come back. But after doing the exercise to loose up my back, it will be gone! I am still praying that he really fixed me. This will be the greatest miracle ever given to me.
Before, I was also skeptical about this treatment. But after I tried and believe it works, I told my friend who also had a back problem to see him. It's even more amazing for him. His back problem could not be treated by 2 professional chiropractors. As he bend down on the seat, 師傅 asked me to take a look. OH MY GO! The spine was not straight. It's swifted to one side at the bottom. Then after the spin, he was fixed!!! The spine got straight. The paralysis on the legs was gone. Originally, one leg was shorter than the other because of the pain. That was fixed as well! I am so glad that 師傅 could really help him.
~ Lindberg