
First Attempt on Wearing Contact Lens

This afternoon, I had my first attempt on wearing a contact lens. It took me almost an hour to get it on! Not to mention taking it off!!!

No matter how hard I pulled my eye lids opened with my fingers, it just kept on blinking as I put the lens close to my eyes. After many tries, I finally managed to put it on. It's actually quite comfortable. I'd imagine I would feel something on my eyes. But I didn't.

During the many tries, the hair of my cats kept falling onto the lens from nowhere! Lucky that I could see it and remove before putting it on my eye! Or else, this would be the first and last attempt!

Since it's just a piece of one-day lens for trial, I'd thought it doesn't hurt to ruin the lens as I took it out. But it turns out that taking it out is even more difficult than putting it in!!! Touching my own eyeball is not something I'd want to do everyday.

Sorry, I tried! Let me rest for a few days and try again later. He...

~ Lindberg

JA Meeting #7

Did we have quorum for a meeting at all? Only 6 out of 15 show up!

Christy called me after the class visit to Ming Pao. She told me that within that group of classmates, only she was coming back to the meeting. Together with some others who didn't need to do the visit, we only had 6 members in the JA meeting yesterday. I feel bad for my partner, as he spent a lot of time preparing his class today.

The excuses they gave were really merely excuses. Sigh... Christy came back, as she needed to do some other stuffs at school. But I am sure she knew I would be mad at her if she turned down on me. Because of nothing having enough classmates in the meeting, we ended up not able to move on for the company formation. But glad that my whole production team was present. It is important for us to plan our product production. Therefore, I am glad that we can at least move on for this issue.

Sometimes I feel that we cannot really blame on them, as they have so many different things need to do at school. Even for me, I'd go lazy if I could. On the contrary, I am glad that at least some of them are still enthusiastic in the programme. But I wish we can bring back the team spirit, and get all of them to participate soon. Or else, it'd be unfair to the hardworking ones.

We finished the meeting in 1.5 hour. It is shortest meeting we ever had! What a shame.

~ Lindberg

HOCC in Concert

Just come back from HOCC in concert. This is the last show of the 3, and it didn't finish until 12am! 1 word to describe her. 型!!! There is no single minute of 冷場. Good show!
The concert was really good. After 10 years of effort, she put forward everything she has in front of us. I am sure all her fans are waiting for this moment as well. Before HOCC came out from the stage, the atmosphere had already gone up to its peak. She started with some up tempo songs. And since then the atmosphere stayed up there throughout the concert. Everyone knew her songs well enough to sing along with her in some songs. It felt really good.

To show you how good the atmosphere is, 我前面有巴塞的森保達 (從那位兄台的球衣得知) 帶領下的人牆,在他們後面做龍門的我完全看不到球的位置。其實不多久,所有人已經站了起來。我們當然也在內。


But serious, I believe everyone has a very good time. Thank you, HOCC!

~ Lindberg


MSN in Dream

Almost every night in the past week, I am chatting with part of the JA class in MSN. Since this Monday, I have got this nightmare. Actually I mentioned this earlier this week. I think it is when I am not able to talk to certain of them, I will have it. Basically, in the dream, I wake up, go to my computer, chat on MSN, get sleepy, back to bed, wake up, go to my computer, chat on MSN, get sleepy, back to bed, wake up.........

It's such a bad nightmare. I can't really sleep well! The brain cannot rest at all. The thing is it is so hard to read and remember what is read in the dream.

I remember reading somewhere that dreaming and reading use different part of the brain. So, one would imagine that it is not possible to read in dream. I did some search in the web today. In fact you can read in dream. It's because what you read is actually image created by yourself. Therefore, you are just reading what you imagine.

Now it explains why I am exhausted after the dream. I need to imagine what I write for myself to read. Then I need to imagine what the other replies me in MSN and transform it into text for me to read. Gee!!! I think I am getting crazy!!!

Tonight, I talked to whom I want to speak to. I think I should have a good sleep tonight. But I remember same thing happened on Wednesday. I thought I could sleep well. Then I dream of something else. Sigh...

~ Lindberg


Moliu Dialog: Don't make me wait...

While waiting for a phone call from the JA class, I started a moliu MSN chat with my partner. Waiting for their reply is really heart torturing. It starts with you not able to sit still. And you starts to worry thinking if there is something wrong you do. The heart starts to crumble. The guts will cramp together. And you will begin pulling you hair out... Am I crazy? HA!

J: Still no word from the class. OT?

T: maybe... no method la...

J: When is the last time you feel waiting is painful?

T: last nite... waiting for Z... (Z is a girl in JA)

J: I mean before JA.

T: dating w/ my wife... maybe..

J: Yeah... So many years before...

T: make u younger and u can die la.

J: Suddenly a song is echoing in my head. Mr. Michael Bolton's "Don't make me wait for love".

J: Oh baby, don't make me wait
Don't make me wait for love this time
No No I need you right now, I need you right now
Oh darlin', a love like this, a love like this
Is so very hard to find, don't make me wait
Don't make me wait for love

T: u're crazy now..

J: Yes. After-blog-syndrome.

~ Lindberg


I used to have quite a bad back problem. I blamed it on my old mattress, and me not sitting or standing properly. My back is not straight, which besides causing an appearance problem, it does hurt.

Therefore, 4 weeks ago, I went to a (kind-of) chiropractor a friend recommended. The reason why I said "kind-of" is his method of treatment. It is certainly not something I have seen or heard of before. And actually, it is not just 1 chiropractor, but a family of chiropractors! And we all call him 神醫 because he really treats many people including some of us. And he can fix problem which we thought may have nothing to do with the back! Amazing!

Their office is in a office building somewhere in Mongkok. It is nothing like a proper clinic. It's just an office space with lots of chairs. As 師傅(the master, which he prefers us calling) describes it himself, it's like a community center. We sat together and waited for our turn to get into a partitioned area. Inside, there is nothing but a small wooden chair.

In the beginning, he would ask us what is wrong with us. Actually, I thought I don't have a specific problem. Just poor posture since I was young. I had little hope that he could really do anything about it. But I don't mind trying. There is a friend going with me. 師傅 asked if he noticed that his face is a little bit twisted. Without him telling, I didn't as well. But in fact he is right! And the amazing thing is 師傅 fixed it!!!

The treatment method is very unique. You sit on the chair. One person will have to hold the lower part of your body, so that you cannot move. The second one will search your back bone, looking for dislocation. At least, it's what I think they're looking for. As I bend down as requested, 師傅 said to his 2 students (his sons-in-law), "see, no need to press and you can see the problem." I thought to myself, "Gee... Am I that serious?"

Here come their trick. As I bend down, the one at my back looked for the dislocated bone starting from the bottom of my spine. He pressed against it and spin my upper body. The method is very difficult to describe with words. Basically, I started from bending down. He spin me to one side and bend towards the back and then brought me back to the original position. Then he moved up to the next dislocation and spin my body clockwise or counter-clockwise. Each time, they would only do a small portion with 2 to 3 spins. Then I got a rest. And it would be the other's turn. It started from the bottom to my neck. Arms, and then legs. The whole process took about 2 hours. Most of which is waiting time. After the first day, I thought I was very courageous to let someone do that to my spine. Who can guarantee that they won't break it? But the result is amazing. My back actually got straighter!

It is quite noticeable when sleeping. My lower back could not touch the mattress before. And now I could! The most important of all, the pain is gone. As I am standing or walking, I notice that I do involuntary stand straighter as well. The muscle in the back gets stronger and is not as tense as before.

And one other amazing thing, which is gone, is my hand sweat! When he touched my hand, he asked how came they were so wet. And he said there is a part of the bone, which may press against the nerve to stimulate sweating. I had serious doubt that it could be fixed, as the heavy sweating hands are with me probably since I was born. Anyway, he checked that bone and gave me a spin. At that time, nothing happens. It still sweated like open tap. But after the whole treatment process (once a week for 3 times), and doing the exercise he instructed, my hands do get dry! It still gets wet once in a while, as I get very nervous or after exercise. But at least it stopped after a while. In the past, it just won't stop! Also, I notice that if I got a back pain because of getting hurt again, the sweat will come back. But after doing the exercise to loose up my back, it will be gone! I am still praying that he really fixed me. This will be the greatest miracle ever given to me.

Before, I was also skeptical about this treatment. But after I tried and believe it works, I told my friend who also had a back problem to see him. It's even more amazing for him. His back problem could not be treated by 2 professional chiropractors. As he bend down on the seat, 師傅 asked me to take a look. OH MY GO! The spine was not straight. It's swifted to one side at the bottom. Then after the spin, he was fixed!!! The spine got straight. The paralysis on the legs was gone. Originally, one leg was shorter than the other because of the pain. That was fixed as well! I am so glad that 師傅 could really help him.

~ Lindberg


A Funeral

We attended my buddy father's funeral tonight. I haven't seen my buddy for quite a long time. Glad to see that he is ok. But we couldn't stay for too long, as they were having some kind of ceremony. Also, I had some problem needed to be taken care of.

Glad that the problem of mine is solved, at least for now, until it happens again... HA!

~ Lindberg


To Blog or Not to Blog

A friend was asking me if he should start blogging. I told him it depends on what he wants to write. It could be quite "destructive".
Remember when I started to write blog, I tended to dig into the feelings. And as I digged, it's nothing but amplifying it. And the problem is it is easy to remember and write about the bad things than good ones. All the saddness and grief, complains and regret expand endlessly.

So, I think it's the motive and mentality of writing the blog that matters. If it's just another channel to get into a blind alley or 鑽牛角尖, it is no good. On the other hand, if there are people reading it and supporting you, it is actually not that bad to express the true feelings. Glad that I can get out of the alley... at least walking out from one to another. HA!

When someone writes a blog, it's a simple and good channel to share thoughts with the others. So, sometimes, as a blogger, I'd mind the feeling of the reader. There are some blogs which I am afraid to read. I can live with those with heavy emotion. But those with a line or 2 could be really confusing. Such as, "it shouldn't have happened." What's happened? Need help? Should I be asking? 多事! Ha! Nevermind...

~ Lindberg

Dove - Campaign for Real Beauty

This is one TV commercial I really like recently:


(I have no idea how to embedded it directly in the blog!)

Everyone is made beautiful. It is just our perception that make the difference. And as long as you have confidence in yourself, you will become beautiful.

Talking about confidence, we spent a little bit of time in JA Class talking about trust and confidence. For confidence, I think one thing is very true. 每個人都有自已的價值觀, 不必和人比較。 Just like the song they used in the commercial, True Color. If you measure yourself based on the other's perception, you will never see your own true color.

I really like the chorus:

But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow...

The only problem I found with this ad is the commercial intention behind the ad is quite strong. And who can beat a group of smiling kids? Of course they are beautiful. Ha!

~ Lindberg


I Hate Monday...

Last week, I didn't get enough sleep and kept falling asleep anytime anywhere, even in the meeting. Therefore, I tried to go to bed early last night.

But I couldn't sleep at all last night. I just kept on dreaming. And this was a very tiring dream, because I could not tell whether I was dreaming or awake. In the dream, I woke up and went to work on the computer and back. And then I woke up again to continue to work and went back to bed. It just kept on going and going. I think I ended up waking up a few times last night. And now, I am extremely sleepy. And we run out of coffee in the office!!!

I hate Monday!

~ Lindberg


Leaving Comment...

I read a blog from someone I know today. After reading it, I could not help but leave a comment. I feel bad for knowing someone being sad. If someone chooses to use white letters on a white background, you can imagine how much one wants to hide the feeling from oneself. Therefore, I just want to leave a few word for encouragement. But as soon as I hit send, I feel myself kind of silly. Without knowing the matter really, I don't know if my comment makes any sense or doing any good. Sigh... Just hope that it won't make thing worse, which is something I am quite good at doing...

~ Lindberg

JA Meeting #6

This time is my turn to deliver the weekly lesson. I talked about Delegation, Communication, and Trust. As the course moves on, we find problems here and there. Some of which is because of the lack of soft skills among them. But what can you expect from a F.6 students? I don't even know 1/2 of the things we teach in class after I work for a few years.

Too bad that I didn't have much time to prepare for it. Or I can probably make it a more interesting and interactive one.

3 students didn't show up this week. I am afraid a couple of them may not be well motivated. I guess part if not all is our bad. We want them to write a real business plan, unlike what JA has instructed us. The sample given by JA is too simple and superficial. If it requires a biz plan, we may as well show that what a real biz plan is. Therefore, we may be a bit harsh on them. Hope that we can get a balance soon.

Apart of that, we have got quite a nice product on hand. There are a few technical problems that need to be taken care of. Apart from that, we are on the right track.

Our CEO is not feeling well today. And she is still a bit confused with her role. I hope what I talked about delegation would help her understanding the situation a little bit.

There is a boy in the class. One of the most active students. He is very sweet. We like to make fun of him with some other girls. No bad intention really. But he is so cute that his face will glow bright red as we tease him. I told one of the girls to go after him. If she is not interested, I'd take her place. HA!

It's really nice to go back to school every Saturday. It's something I am looking forward to every week.

~ Lindberg


鍥而不捨, 二顧 Crema

After another boring day, I was very looking forward to tonight. It is difficult to find an excuse to visit Crema on a weekday evening. But today I have one.

I like Crema because of its coffee and people. Although I am not a very people person who would chat with people working in the shop like my friend does, as long as I know they are nice people, I am comfortable enough.

Originally, my friend should be joining me. But he has some family stuffs need to be taken care of. So nevermind. I could drink alone.

I took a relax route crossing the harbor with ferry after a crappy dinner at KFC. Almost as soon as I crossed the harbor, the phone rang! The name shown on the caller ID display seemed to tell me that I'd die in 7 days. It was my Wanchai restaurant. The computer network was dead.

The thing I hate most in my job is IT. But the problem is no one else can handle it. After half an hour on the phone, I had no choice but head back. Crema was again so close to me, but so far to reach... I took the MTR from TST to Wanchai. Back to where I started.

There was a real problem with the network. But the temporary fix was quick. It only took me 15 minutes. Since it was not even 9, I decided to head back to Crema. There is no way I would waste tonight!!!

Silly, isn't it? But here I am sitting at Crema typing my blog. Feel sooooo good!

~ Lindberg

Unforgettable Picnic

It's such a nice day today. How comes all my JA students are out there having a school picnic, while I am stuck in my office doing boring things?! To make me feel better, let me write a piece of my memories now. HA!

There is one picnic I still remember very clearly. It was in primary school, but I forget which grade. Actually, I don't even remember where we went. I just remember a very embarrassing event, which there is no way I can forget.

Because we were still in primary school, we need to wear our school uniforms for picnic. And on the bottom, we had shorts. Maybe I was too active running around the picnic site. Or maybe it was just because I was chubby. I tore my pants. In another word, 爆胎. It started from the inner joint of the left leg. I thought it was ok in the beginning, as it happens to anyone. But no matter how hard I tried not to put pressure on it and tear it further, the "break" still moved on. From the left to the right. It's probably not easy to imagine. But the end result is easy to imagine. I ended up wearing a mini-skirt. Sexy... Gee... Really want to throw up... At that time, I wanted to find a place to hide so badly!!!

That was so embarrassing. The "transformation" finished as we head back to school. We needed to walk up some stairs to gather in the hall. As I walked up the stairs, I could almost hear the last string broke. Some guys saw me, and they 細聲講大聲笑. It was so embarrassing that I didn't even want to let the teacher knew. Besides, I was very shy at that time, and is still the same even now.

My mom picked me up after dismissing from the school. I didn't remember anything after that. Probably got too tense and fainted. Ha!

~ Lindberg



I don't know if this is creativity or being 白痴. When I got my first answering machine at home for my personal phone line, I made quite an exceptional introduction message. That was when I was F.6. Because it really did sound crazy, some friends would actually call just to listen to that message.

And the message is:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, 歡迎參加 XXXX (my name) 有獎電話留信遊戲。請於 beep 一聲之後留低你o既姓名及電話。你將會得到o既豐富獎品就係 XXXX 盡快覆你o既電話.... Beep..."

I have no idea how I come up with that. But I have to say it's quite original. Ha!

And the funny thing is some people who dialed the wrong number actually thought that it's really a game, and left the name and telephone number. Of course, I was not silly enough to call them back. But maybe I should, and see how they reacted.... Ha!

~ Lindberg

3:15pm @ 豪華

Nothing is better than having a tea in 豪華. Actually, this was my lunch. I had a big breakfast during a meeting this morning. Therefore, no appetite at all during lunch hour. When I walked back to the office from Wanchai, I couldn't help but stop at 豪華 for a 茶走 and a toast. So relaxing!

The atmosphere in 豪華 at 3pm is so much different from during lunch time. During lunch, people like me go there for "proper" meal. Actually, it's not that proper, as it's either instant noodle or simple sandwich. But lots of people go there for a good cup of tea and the atmosphere. It doesn't have a wide variety of foods, but it's more than enough for us. Just like in Kay's song:


After 3pm, there are more people going there just to "hei". Mainly elder people. A cup of milk tea and newspaper, and you can spend your whole afternoon there. The bosses there are very keen on chatting with you. Today, the topic of the "forum" is the bus accident yesterday. I wasn't able to join their discussion. I read my book and listened to what they said. I wish I could stay longer. But before too long, I needed to head back to work. Sigh...

~ Lindberg



When I first started writing a piece of memories, a piece of dreams, I thought it's easy. There are a lot of good and bad memories. However, when I dig through my dreams, 99.99% of them are just 妄想症. Sigh...

I don't do this now (I guess). But I used to fall into delusion, or as my friend said, 妄想空間. And there is just a fine line between day dreaming and delusion. You obsess with the latter. I guess it's because I was grown up as the only child of the family. I am used to imagine and play on my own. The best friend of my right hand is my left hand. Actually they had good time playing with each other, and defintely never had a single fight.

Out of the many silly day dreams, I wished to have a big family. I wished to have elder brother or sister looking after me. When I was a teenager, I certainly could use someone to talk to, especially when I was not talking to my parents a lot. Besides, my left hand was getting bored with my right hand. I guess they just run out of topics like old married couple. Although somehow this dream did come true, it is kind of too late and my siblings are too far from me.

As I grow older, I wish to have a younger brother or sister. This one, I can almost certain that it won't come true. But it's nice to have someone to take care of, and to be someone to look up to (if I have something for him or her to look up to).

~ Lindberg


JA Meeting #5

Today is not an exhausted day for me, as my partner does all the talking. HA!

The topic of the week is Time Management. These kids really got a lot of things to do. It'd be nice if they know how to organize their time and be more proactive in their lives. Therefore, my partner took a great effort sharing some ideas on 7 habits with them. Again,

I was talking to a friend the other day. It seems that my life starts after 6pm these days. That's when I start working with the students. Before 6pm, it's as if an empty soul being slaved by my company. After dark, it's when the action begins. And because spending too much effort in thinking and discussing with students and partner, I was falling asleep at work all the time. So embarassing.

This is actually another very worrying week for me. All the students were very busy at school. I don't recall myself being that busy at those days. Anyway, our product is quite complicated and laborous. My worry is not them doing not good enough. I am just worrying about the pressure on them. When I heard that our designer were upset because not able to finish the design earlier, I felt very awful. Same as when I heard one saying one moment that she would put effort on it because we spend so much effort on them, but at the next moment, she said she wanted to give up because of the pressure here and there. I hope that we can help them getting through the coming few tough weeks. They enjoy the programme should be our top priority.

Today, we had a birthday party during the meeting. Kind of a bonding exercise, or excuse to have fun. Hope that it'd lose them up a little bit.

My frend said that I am too attached to them. It's probably true. After another 13 weeks and the programme finishes, I cannot imagine how empty I would be. It'd be a lot worse than finishing my MBA, I am sure. But it's ok. If I do, it's not me. Cherish this moment is always my motto.

~ Lindberg



We went to 一壽司 in Causeway Bay for an early dinner last night. The first shop of this sushi restaurant is in Ashley Road, TST. When it first opened, it was making quite a big noise. They have a big fish tank with tropical fishes. And the restaurant looks very elegant aiming at serving good quality sushi. They have a big queue outside their shop every night. Then they opened another one in Causeway Bay. We went there at 6:45pm, and there were still some seats available.

I saw their chef being interviewed by TV before. My first impression of his foods was not having a good balance, 整色整水. It turns out that I was quite right.

There were quite a good selection of chef's creative sushi. We ordered quite a few of those. The seafoods are fresh. The seaweed they used were also very fresh and crispy. The problem comes from the rice and technique of the young sushi chef. First of all, they made the sushi quite big. I guess they want to impress people with good value sushi for its price. But I recall a popular sushi place in Wanchai doing the same trick. It expanded quickly in the first few years, and then closed down. Afterall, people still need good foods. Big piece of sushi is difficult to consume, and the balance between the meat and rice may be affected by that as well in your mouth.

Also, they put too much vinegar into the rice. With such a big piece of rice in your mouth, the vinegar just covered the taste of the toppings. Then the sushi chefs didn't have a good clean pair of hands. You see bits of wasabi here and there on the plate and the fish. It just doesn't look too appetizing. But I'd say the foods are still acceptable.

The service was very attentive. And the overall value was not bad. You can't beat $9 for 2 pieces of good salmon sushi. But most of the other dishes we ate were around $20. We only managed to eat only 8 dishes at the end, because the rice was quite big. And we spent $220.


~ Lindberg


Communication Problem with IM

I have been chatting with my JA partner on Google Chat in the past few weeks. The more I chat, the more I find problem with IM, especially when doing discussion. With casual chatting, no problem. I find it acceptable even for passing knowledge. But when it comes to discussion, 火都黎埋. When you think about it, it's just a different in perception. And I can only have a good laugh about it after the argument.

We had a game with the JA class about communication and organization. We gave them a piece of drawing with some shapes on it. They had to describe the drawing to someone who could not see and that somone had to draw that picture out. One thing I remember very clearly. One of the girls told them draw a hexagon in the middle of the paper. Hexagon? It was actually a star shape with 6 edges. The difference in perception.

I find the same problem when discussing with IM. Unlike casual chat, in a discussion, you write and read at the same time. But as you write, your own perception actually controls how you read. In addition to the prior believe, you expect the counterpart to think the way as you do. Then it is in fact not a discussion. It's just a monolog with oneself. Sigh...

Can some techniques help? Maybe. Six hat thinking? Maybe.. Type slower. Maybe... "I am over. Your turn!" Maybe.... Don't type at all. Very likely!

Face to face conversation reduces this problem by adding the facial expression. Also, with verbal conversation, the pauses will help the parties to stop and think about what is said or listened. One communication technque which I encourage my staff to use (with me) is back tracking. The one who speaks rarely listens to what he really says. So, it's good to have the listener repeat exactly what the speaker just said. In that case, the speaker can listen to his own speaking, and do clarification where necessary. In IM, you just never bother to re-type what the other said, even if it is just copy and paste.

Another technique which I find useful is pacing. It's about the bringing your level to match the audience. Level in the sense of education, voice, tone, language, choice of wordings, etc.. If the counterpart raises up the voice, you need to do the same to get heard. This again could not be done in IM. I guess you can. HEY, CAN YOU HEAR ME?!

Anyway, I find communication really an interesting thing. A difference in perception, or a change in delivery channel makes the whole experience different. But then one should never get afraid of doing so. If you learn from mistake, you will learn a lot about and from people around you.

~ Lindberg


V is back to SPCA to check his eye again today. The vet said that his eye is recovering very well. There is just a tiny spot of ulcer left. Just like a dust on the camera CMOS. All we need to do is to give him eye drop for the rest of the week. And go back for the final checkup later.

When I thought that the Z scratch mark by V on my arm is quite remarkable, the vet's arm was even worse! Her right arm was just like a map!!! I wonder what had happened to her earlier. I guess the mark is nothing comparing with the love for the animal.

The consultation costs $190. Then we bought another necklace for Julie. V has got one from the last visit. I think he likes to look pretty. But his mom doesn't think so. She thinks that I am just putting my perception on him. Ha!

Julie has never for a necklace before. After I put it on just now, she has been disappearing... Err...

~ Lindberg



After writing that piece of essay the other day here, I feel really bad. 不堪入目。支筆真係生鏽。

Although it's written during TV commercial breaks, it still took me a while afterwards to clean it up. It was lack of creativity, cliche, boring, lack of focus, lack of life. Sigh... Really getting old? My essay was used to be quite ok. Is it because I have been only writing business letters and reports all these years? Everything become analytical, political, hiding oneself, pointing finger at the others...

還記得以前會將一些喜歡的歌的歌詞改成為身邊的東西。雖然沒什麼大不了,但記憶中的感覺還好。最近想重施固技,一整個月都只寫出斷斷續續的三兩行詞。 並無以為繼... 很遜喲!

莫非失去對生命的觸覺, 留下來的只是—片平庸。 灰...

~ Lindberg



I was chatting with my JA student last night. I find that the way they teach the students now is very much different from what we used to be. I don't know enough to tell the real difference. But I see some techniques we used in training at work nowsaday to inspire creativity is being used in the school, while we were stuffed with facts and information back in those days. She told me that she need to write an essay on 寂寞, in Chinese of course. I wonder what I can do the same on English. Probably quite an analytical one with my "style". Let me try...

Once upon a time, there was a young prince in a country. He enjoyed spending time with himself alone. On sunny days, he would wander in the garden doing his "own" matters alone. No one really knows what he did, as he didn't like interact with people. One day, a fairy visited this young prince.

"Who are you?" The Prince asked.

"I am a fairy. My name is Loneliness. Do you feel lonely?"

"Nope. I enjoy myself being alone."

"But loneliness is different from being alone. Do you dare to take my challenge?"

"Why not? I don't care."

The fairy then disappeared. A moment later, the prince burst into tears.

Loneliness is more than being alone. One can enjoy the time very much being alone. In fact, most people want to get some moment in their lives being left alone. But no one can really live by oneself. Afterall, we are clonal animals. We depend on each other for living, both physiologyically and psychologically. Especially when the basic needs for living is well covered, one would start to look for self esteem, a sense of recognition.

The prince cried because he did care. It all began from a sense of insecurity. The sense of insecurity builds loneliness. When Tom Hanks was left alone on the island in the movie, Cast Away, he satisfied his basic needs with foods ans shelter first. But when those get satisfied, he needed Wilson (the volley ball) to accompany him. Company keeps one secured.

Even if you have company, or in another word, you're not alone, it doesn't necessarily mean you could not be lonely. Isolation could caused by something other than physical. Difference in perception and mistrust. Fear of negative evaluation and feeling of punishing. Altogether, stress builds anger. Suppressing anger builds more stress. And that is loneliness.

After a while, another fairy appeared in front of the prince.

"Why are you crying?" The fairy asked.

"I feel lonely."

"You need the others, as much as the others need you. Give and take come in pair. When you know that you are not alone, you won't feel lonely any more."

"Who are you?" The prince asked.

"My name? They call me Friend."
~ Lindberg


Yesterday, we went to 大坑 to some photos at the 舞火龍. From last year experience, we know that they have 2 "shows". People usually go for the first one. When finished, most people will leave. So, you can actually get a better view on the second one around 9pm. But last night, it's different!!! 人山人海!!!

I guess it's because it is the last day, the next day is still holiday, and most important of all, 黃金周. We could not find a good spot. 無心機. End up only able to take some head shot of the dragon head and some mo liu stuff. Sigh.... And my web site is down! Cannot upload a single photo in the past few days. Really annoying!!!

~ Lindberg

V is Getting Better

V is getting better with his eyes lu. However, we still cannot take the cap off. As soon as we take it off, he scratches his eye and the eye gets read again. Probably need a couple more days. Poor V. Sigh...

I finally learn the technique of putting eye drop for the cat. You really need to rest your hand, which holds the dropping bottle, on his head. Then use your other hand to hold all his 鬚. This way, he will not shake his head so hard, and even if he does, your hand holding the bottle will move with his head. So, there is a better chance for a successful drop.

This is really after some painful lessons. We should have used a blanket to wrap him to avoid his "damage". But it doesn't really make the job easier. And now, I find the true identity of V, Zorro 黑俠梭羅!

~ Lindberg


Wrong Impression

I was chatting on MSN with my buddy in MBA today. Gee... It turns out that we have been knowing each other for almost 4 years! I really cherish friendship, especially with those who do not grow up with you. Different age, different background, but somehow it's like magic that we get so much in common. I am lucky to find one in the university, and one in MBA.

He told me his first impression with me was a serious hardworking student. Gee... He completely got it wrong. I don't know if somehow I project that "serious" image to the others. If you know me, you will know that I am just a silly guy. And may be because of that, I was assigned to a "serious" team in MBA. Although on personal side, I don't have much interaction with my own teammates. But I surely learn a lot from them.

Later, I had a good scream at him when he told me about this first impression. Then he said his group soon found out I am just another crazy guy like them. Since then, I become one of their team members.

~ Lindberg


He is Gone...

My buddy's father is gone today. I hope it is a relief for him. He has put some much energy in his family in the past couple of years. I doubt I could do half as good if I were him.

Although he also called it a relief, there is still a sense of I don't know what to say. If I have to describe it, I guess it's like the string of the kite breaks. The tension is suddenly gone. The kite flies away. And part of yourself flies away with it.

~ Lindberg


JA Special Meeting #1

Taking a 1/2 day annual leave and go to have a lesson with my JA students this afternoon.  I want them to be some responsible managers.  So, no matter which departments they belong to, they have to come to my special class, Management Accounting.

It sounds a bit harsh to have some F.6 students understanding Management Accounting, while they have just learned how to do a bank reconciliation.  But I think it's just some common sense.  The main reason why I want them to learn management accounting is for them to understand how important they are to the company.  Without knowing the flow of the numbers, they will never learn how to contribute to the company profit.

Whenever I see them, I feel so happy.  Just like a piece of paper, you can draw so many things on it.  I am really looking forward to seeing them grow.  Again, I don't expect much.   Just a little bit that they find useful in the future would be more than grateful for me.

~ Lindberg

Just The Matter of Time

My friend is not very happy recently. It seems that his dad cannot make it. After quitting smoking for many years, he still gets lung cancer. Life doesn't seem fair. But the end happens to anyone. It's just the matter of time.

When my grandma got the liver cancer, I couldn't feel her leaving us at all. We still had a normal lives. She still travelled among families in different countries. Then she left us all in the sudden.

I still remember the last word I told her. My brother put me on speaker phone to talk to her in Philippines. She was on oxygen mask and could not reply. I feel that I was so stupid. I should have encouraged her to live on. And actually she fought until the last minute, according to my brothers. But I told her that I would keep my promise. I feel so bad. First of all, while she was fighting, I told her something as if the last words. Secondly, it's a promise I cannot really keep. When I think about it now, I still feel very bad...

~ Lindberg

My Macbook is Back X 一山還有一山高

Last Monday, I drained the battery of my Macbook.  I didn't take it to recharge immediately.  And later that night, I found that it could not be recharged at all.

After doing many test and reset, it still didn't work.  So, I called up AppleCare on Tuesday.  He taught me to do the same tricks and of course no result.  Therefore, I carried the machine to the service center in Times Square for battery replacement.

The manager of this service center really knows how to hire people.  When the lady told me 3 weeks for the new battery to arrive, normally, I'd be screaming.  But to a pretty lady, err...  There was nothing I could do but wait patiently.

But last night, I got an email from Apple saying that the battery had arrived.  Gee...  They really know how to do the under-promise technique in service industry.  But isn't that a bit OVER under-promise?

Today I went back to the service center again.  I met a different girl this time.  And I can confirm that the service center manager is really good at selecting his crew.  But it doesn't necessary work for all people.  At least not for the Gwai Lo next to me.  "I have spoken to 5 different people on the phone and they told me to go to the service center.  Don't waste my time any more.  I won't leave until you get it fixed!"  And the thing he wants to fix is a earphone probably purchased through Apple Store, but not an Apple product.  I have no idea why he thinks they can fix it there.  But it seems that all the Gwai Lo I know behave the same, no offence though.  Like my boss, he would say exactly the same tag when he demanded for something.  What I mean by exactly is really exactly the same.  "I've spoken 5 times", "Don't waste my time", "Get it done or I won't leave", etc.  Do they learn this in school?

And why the topic of this blog is "一山還有一山高"?  The service center ladies lor.  Ha!

~ Lindberg


V is Sick

V always has problem with his eyes. This is to blame on Julie. It's quite a long story. Sigh...

Besides the fight, when Julie came, she brought some virus with her. I don't know what it is called, but I think it is not FIV (cat's version of HIV). Let me check with the vet next time. Anyway, both of them had a bad cold. Since then, although he was cured, he gets his tear gland blocked once in a while. Sometimes it gets infection easily. And when we came home last night, his right eye got so swollen that it could not open.

The last thing I want to do is to take him to the vet. But there is no choice for me. So, I took a morning off and brought him to SPCA. It turns out to be an infection. The vet (a very pretty vet whom I have never met) gave V some eye drops and an injection. V was trying to bite the vet. I guess he was not attracted by the beauty with the eye drop on her hand. Bad boy!!!

As we got home, V got so tired. I had to put a cap around his neck to prevent him scratching his eyes. Hope that he will get well soon.

~ Lindberg


A Cat Joins Lucky in Heaven

I saw my JA student online tonight. She has got a cute cat photo on her MSN. Therefore, I asked if she is her cat. She said she was, and she was gone today. She has joined my Lucky in heaven.

Lucky was a long hair cat. A gift from my dad's friend. Actually, not exactly a gift. My dad's friend abandoned him because Lucky didn't live well with the other cats in the house.

Anyway. Lucky was gone when I as F.6 or 7. Kidney failure. When he was alive, I didn't spend much time with him. But when he was leaving, I found that I was losing a companion. I prayed and prayed before he was gone, hoping that God could take some of my life and give it to Lucky. But of course it didn't work.

After I had my own family, we decided to have a cat. We had V, and then Julie. We love them so much. I want them to have a happy and healthy lives with us. When they leave us someday, I don't want to have the same regret as I do with Lucky.

Back to my student's cat. She is actually a grandma. She was gone because of getting sick. Her daughter and grandchildren are still with my student's family. I am sure she will love them more than ever from now on.

~ Lindberg


JA Meeting #4

Finally, we had formed our new company in Junior Achievement. I am so proud with them. During the week, Todd and I were still worried about their level of participation, because we needed to select the CEO and Vice Presidents to run the company. But at the end, we realized that there was nothing worth worrying about.

We had come up with a election method, which combined the election with job application process.  And we kind of made everyone apply for at least one senior position.  Besides one girl, the others took part activeiy.  The position we worried is the CEO.  There was one girl who played actively in class.  We didn't know if she was willing to take more responsibility.  And even if she did, we still hoped that there were others coming out for the election.  Then there was another girl coming out to compete with her.

At the beginning, we empathized that we should not care about winning or losing.  It's the participation we were looking forward to.  The active girl earned the CEO position.  But the other one also came very very close.  The rest of the people compete for the senior position.  I believe we have got a very good management team here.

After the team was formed, I told them a story I learned from MBA.  A lesson from the geese:

1) 當每隻雁展翅高飛,也為後邊的隊友提供了向上風,V字隊形,為雁群增加了71%的飛行范圍
啟示: 分享團隊默契,能互相幫助,更輕鬆地到達目的地。因為他們的旅程建立在互相信任的基礎上。

2) 當某隻雁離隊伍時,它會立即發現單獨飛行的辛苦及阻力,它會立即飛回隊伍,善用同伴的向上之風
啟示: 若我們與雁一般,我們就會緊跟大隊伍,樂於接受他人的協助,並幫助別人。

3) 飛在隊伍的雁會發出"呱呱"叫聲,鼓勵前導的雁保持速度。
啟示: 我們必須確定發出的確聲音是鼓勵。在團隊中,有鼓勵表現就會更好,最完美的自我表現,通常來自正面的鼓勵。

4) 當前導的大雁疲倦時,它會退到隊伍的後方,而另一隻雁則會飛到前導位置彌補。
啟示: 艱巨的任務需要輪流付出,我們要尊重,保護每個人獨特的技術、才能、天分資源。

5) 當某隻雁生病時,會有兩隻雁飛出隊伍,跟在後面,幫助並保護它。
啟示: 如果我們如雁一般,就會在困境中彼此支持,一如我們在順境中茁壯。 

Later we head out for lunch together. The more I listen to them, the more I found the difference between them now and what I was used to be. On the one hand, I feel like a dumb idiot back in those days.  On the other hand, it also reminded me of what I used to be on the good side. The passion about the future, the passion with the people and things around me, the passion which is now fading, but I wish so much to get hold of. I am happy to be in the part of this. Like what JA said, let them by our inspirations.

~ Lindberg

Dinner at Spoon

Last night, we went to Spoon to celebrate our 5th Anniversary. I booked the table more than a week before. Therefore, they managed to save us a window seat. Eating in front of the harbour is really nice. And with the unexpected firework in 幻彩詠香江. The experience was very good.

Regarding the foods, she thought each dish can be done better. I couldn't agree more. She had a 6 course tasting menu, and I had a 8. I found the excitment was not from individual dish. It's from the combination. I don't know if it's done in purpose or not. Say we had a plate of goose liver cooked in 3 different styles. Steamed, moouse, and a paste. People would usally pan fried to get the fatty flavor out. But if they did that in this appetizer combination, I think it would ruin the overall tasting menu.

When I was eating the liver goose kind of moouse, I found a piece of plastic in it. Being in the business myself, it's obviously an accident. The cooks like to use knife to open bags. And somtimes, the plastic may get into the foods. I told the waiter just to let them know it happened. Later the assistant manager came to me and apologized. She said it never happened to them, which I'd be really surprised. And then she bought my dinner! Actually, I felt a bit uncomfortable for that, as I think it's no big deal. But I guess it's because they consider themselves 3 star Michelin, it is not acceptable.

We ended up paying $1,500 for the meal. The full price should be $2,500. What a saving. Ha! But even without the discount, it's still a very pleasant anniversary dinner.

~ Lindberg