This afternoon I took my broken Apple Bluetooth Keyboard for repair in Times Square. I called them in advance to see if they fix such a small thing. I was glad that they do. But after learning more, I regreted even thinking about it.
After waiting for a few minutes in the service center, the guy told me that it will cost me $600 to inspect the keyboard. He must be joking! The keyboard itself doesn't cost as much as that.
After coming back and forth to discuss with his superior, he told me that if I could supply him with my Mac information, they could trade the keyboard for me. Therefore, I'd have to give them my old keyboard, pay some extra, and they'd give me a brand new one at a "discount". I was actually fine with that. So, I asked him how much for such trade-in. $600!!! Are they out of their mind? What kind of "discount" is that?! A brand new keyboard costs less than $500!
Therefore, as soon as I left Times Square, I went straight to the Designer Group in Windsor House. And I was happy to pay $450 for my new keyboard.
But at this moment, I'm still confused why the keyboard got broken down all the sudden in the first place. Sigh...
~ Lindberg