
Funny Fund Ad

In short, the message is converting wool $500 per kg to carpet $12,000@. So the bank is helping you to manage the growth of your asset.

2 things I've found this funny. Firstly, the appreciation of value is mainly due to the guy in the middle. And part of such appreciation goes to this guy. So there is actually no way you can tell how much of such gain goes to you pocket.

Secondly, actually this is the first thing came to my mind, in Chinese saying, wool comes from sheep. It means whatever you get it comes originally from you. It carries a negative meaning. So the extra gain from the carpet is from the wool you start with and the money you pay to the middleman. Actually, you gain nothing at all!

I think in fund management, asset management fee is a concern. I wouldn't use or show sheep as something to sell your message.

