Me: BTW, almost hit by a taxi last night. Really PK driver. Cut 2 lines to jump in front of me.我當時行緊東區走廊落北角。三條線之中,我係最左,準備落橋。右邊有架巴士,所以第三條線有乜我睇唔到。而且原則上我都唔洗理。誰知正當準備落橋嘅時候,有架的士由最右線飛快狂 cut 過巴士,再飛去我前面。其實真係好窄,已經過晒落橋雙白線位。因為巴士慢,我快,的士又睇唔到我,如果我收唔切油,今日都未必可以係到打 blog。
A: i can understand why u guys hate taxi drivers so much
Me: Really reckless.
A: coz sometimes as a passenger i also feel that some taxi drivers are bad guys
Me: They never signal, and always think they're the pro on the street.
Me: Maybe they have the experience, but many other don't ga ma!
咁 cut 法,我當然響 horn 啦。落橋之後,我專登去架的士旁邊怒「啤」佢。佢都知衰,舉手示意。唉…
~ Lindberg