

Jayson 最近要作一篇英文的童話故事。由於無從入手,我教他把心目中的故事大綱畫出來,然後再慢慢用文字組織起來。

轉個頭,他便畫了 6 幅草圖。他的故事人物有:Super Mario、Luigi、Bowser… (滴汗…)由於老師要求一個 Fairy Tale,我們解釋說要加一點魔術才貼題,所以建議他把 Luigi 變成魔法師。除了這一點之外,以下都是他用自己的方法寫出來的。看完之後,不禁令我想去…「打機」。

Once upon a time, there was a little man called Super Mario. He has many little bright stars. One day, Bowser, the bad guy, took away Super Mario’s stars.

Super Mario called his wizard friend, Luigi, for help.

Luigi gave Mario a magic box. Inside, there was a magic flower. Mario ate the flower and he got more energy.

Then he went to the castle to find Bowser.

Bowser wanted to catch Super Mario but Bowser couldn’t, because Super Mario ran very fast.

Finally, Mario got back the stars and ran away.

The end.

~ Lindberg

2 則留言:

  1. mag (馬姬)上午8:00

    咁細個就要作英文故事?! 唔係化~~~ OMG!!!
    jayson呢篇故仔又幾好喎! 好funny丫~ XDD

  2. Jojit Au Yeung上午8:00

