

尋晚同美小女 msn 左一陣,佢後尾問我個胃點。原來有睇我個 blog。非常感動,當堂好左7成!希望佢既牙痛都可以快 d 好番!牙痛慘過大病。應該無人無試過。我仲無左三隻咁多。不過唔係因為講大話!

其實尋晚仲搵左另外一個學生,一個成日同我一樣鐘意亂諗野同好易灰既女仔。同佢有 d 同病相憐既感覺。不過我同阿 Todd 兩個人同時出手,都好似無乜幫助。希望過多一兩日會好 d 啦。到時我地再發功!哈!

今朝同 Ardy 又無聊 msn 左一陣為互相左止眼訓:

A: zzzzzzzzz
J: Me too....
J: Tried to cheer up a student last night. So sad... Scold by a few teachers.
A: oh... why?
A: Sleep at class?
J: No gwa. I was the same before ga la.
A: I didn't wor. I'm a good student...
J: I slept all the time. I actually cannot remember if I was ever awake.
A: err...
A: Which school did you go to?
J: 聖記
A: I nearly went there as well. It was my 2nd or 3rd choice I guess.
J: Serious?! Damn. Then I could have been your 師兄 and teasing you earlier!
A: Haha!

以前自己讀書都好懶散。好彩有 d 小聰明,同埋身邊有班益友。唔係都會幾出事!依家佢地就慘啦。萬七咁多樣野做。又 SU、又社、又學會、又Sports Day、仲有我地死人JA添,樣樣都得班 F.6 學生有能力做,邊到顧到咁多樣呀。所以我覺得佢地個個都好叻,個個都抵錫。

~ Lindberg

