
A Piece of Dreams: Flying

Have you ever dreamed of flying? I mean flying freely in the sky. If I remember correctly, I dreamed of that only once when I was a kid. I think flying is kind of a sign of freedom. You float in the sky, go to wherever you want to go. The next closest thing is floating in the ocean. But the difference is of course being surrounded by water and the saltiness.

The dream I had was actually quite funny. For a man to fly we need at least one of the followings:

1. A pair of wings
2. Some kind of machine
3. Some alien powered suit
4. Some alien power

Although it's in my dream, I was trying to be as realistic as possible. I couldn't possibly grow a pair of wings. And I was no alien like Superman. If it's a dream, riding on a plane was not my type. Therefore, in my dream, I had the 3rd one.

There was an old TV series, called Greatest American Hero (飛天紅中俠). I doubt anyone younger would have watched it. Anyway, there was a guy who got a gift from the ET. A red colored suit, which let him do almost anything Superman could do. Flying, super strength, etc. But because he forgot to get the "operation manual", he didn't really know how to use it. He was not managed to use his power very well and act like a super powered clumsy. Anyway, in the dream, I was in that suit.

But the strange thing is if you could fly in dream, you'd fly like "normal". Instead, I put myself in a big round trash bin and flied with the bin. Regardless the bin, the view was magnificent. But I have been thinking, why the heck I wanted to fly in the bin, if I could actually fly. I guess it is the sense of security. It is free to float in the air. However, you are surrounded by nothing really. I guess that's why people choose to stay on the ground. If we want to see that magnificent view from the sky again, we borrow the wings from the others. For me, the wing still resides in my dream. The Lindbergd's Wing.


