- Each of us MUST have a compass, whistle, and watch.昨天晚上去找了我的脊醫師傅。原本都以為自己沒甚麼大問題,誰知由頭做到尾,整條脊椎都有問題!我認為是我的新電腦袋的問題。十多磅放在一邊肩膀是很容易傷到脊椎。還是大哥二哥害的,因為是他們給我的聖誕禮物。經過師傅一番調整之後,有如脫胎換骨!
- No GPS or walkie-talkie is allowed.
- Each of us should bring at least 750ml water for own consumption.
You can bring some chocolate bar with you if you think you may need
more energy.
- Outfit: regular running shoes, bright colour shirt, long trousers.
- Our game starts at 10:00am. It should be finished by 12:00pm.
- The ferry departs at 7:50am. I suggest we arrive Wong Shek Pier by 7:40am.
- I've purchased the ferry tickets already. Round trip $20 each.
Any problem, please let me know. Or else, see you on Sunday! Let's
have a good game!!! And come back alive!!!
~ Lindberg