
A Dialog between a Student and My Partner

My partner and a JA student are both lying sick at home. One of them is actually not sick. But I am not telling who. Todd forwarded me an interesting MSN message between them:

茜: 教我地都有錢收~咪當休息囉
Todd: 有錢收.... ????
茜: 無既咩?@@
Todd: 有鬼
Todd: 義工ma....
Todd: 仲要貼錢買朱古力....
茜: 下......我仲以為junior achivement 呢d咁既計劃一定會有錢收

I guess we may be doing too much and too professionally. Therefore, the students do not believe there is such kind of freebie in the real world.

Of course we don't take a penny from anyone. In fact, besides the time invested, we take some money out of our pockets too. And I am quite sure that both of us don't put as much effort in our real jobs.
I personally don't expect them to win any prize. Just don't want to put too much pressure on them. But they're all smart kids. I don't have to complete my whole sentence, and they know what I want to tell them. If they put enough effort in the project, I am sure they can win a few prizes.

It'd be just the same as doing any volunteer work. As long as we see them learning a little bit from us, we would be laughing.

~ Lindberg

