
Moonwalkers 盲俠行

I received a letter from Orbis the other day about their fund raising event, Moonwalkers 盲俠行:


The event is quite meaningful, although I misunderstood it in the beginning. You will walk in dark from Central to Repulse Bay. It is quite a long walk. The information said 6 hours. It will start at 11:30pm, and finished at around 6am. And on the bridge outside IFC, you will walk blind-folded. And your partner will guide you along. You get a chance to experience being blind and regain the vision. That's what Orbis does to help saving sight all over the world.

Originally, I thought it's walking blind-folded from Central to Repulse Bay. That could be quite dangerous. But I could imagine seeing the sunrise after walking in dark for 6 hours. What a magnificent view! I guess it would still be a good experience to walk across 1/2 of the Hong Kong island in dark. The sunrise would be the same beautiful, I believe.

- Lindberg

