

After writing that piece of essay the other day here, I feel really bad. 不堪入目。支筆真係生鏽。

Although it's written during TV commercial breaks, it still took me a while afterwards to clean it up. It was lack of creativity, cliche, boring, lack of focus, lack of life. Sigh... Really getting old? My essay was used to be quite ok. Is it because I have been only writing business letters and reports all these years? Everything become analytical, political, hiding oneself, pointing finger at the others...

還記得以前會將一些喜歡的歌的歌詞改成為身邊的東西。雖然沒什麼大不了,但記憶中的感覺還好。最近想重施固技,一整個月都只寫出斷斷續續的三兩行詞。 並無以為繼... 很遜喲!

莫非失去對生命的觸覺, 留下來的只是—片平庸。 灰...

~ Lindberg

