
JA Meeting #4

Finally, we had formed our new company in Junior Achievement. I am so proud with them. During the week, Todd and I were still worried about their level of participation, because we needed to select the CEO and Vice Presidents to run the company. But at the end, we realized that there was nothing worth worrying about.

We had come up with a election method, which combined the election with job application process.  And we kind of made everyone apply for at least one senior position.  Besides one girl, the others took part activeiy.  The position we worried is the CEO.  There was one girl who played actively in class.  We didn't know if she was willing to take more responsibility.  And even if she did, we still hoped that there were others coming out for the election.  Then there was another girl coming out to compete with her.

At the beginning, we empathized that we should not care about winning or losing.  It's the participation we were looking forward to.  The active girl earned the CEO position.  But the other one also came very very close.  The rest of the people compete for the senior position.  I believe we have got a very good management team here.

After the team was formed, I told them a story I learned from MBA.  A lesson from the geese:

1) 當每隻雁展翅高飛,也為後邊的隊友提供了向上風,V字隊形,為雁群增加了71%的飛行范圍
啟示: 分享團隊默契,能互相幫助,更輕鬆地到達目的地。因為他們的旅程建立在互相信任的基礎上。

2) 當某隻雁離隊伍時,它會立即發現單獨飛行的辛苦及阻力,它會立即飛回隊伍,善用同伴的向上之風
啟示: 若我們與雁一般,我們就會緊跟大隊伍,樂於接受他人的協助,並幫助別人。

3) 飛在隊伍的雁會發出"呱呱"叫聲,鼓勵前導的雁保持速度。
啟示: 我們必須確定發出的確聲音是鼓勵。在團隊中,有鼓勵表現就會更好,最完美的自我表現,通常來自正面的鼓勵。

4) 當前導的大雁疲倦時,它會退到隊伍的後方,而另一隻雁則會飛到前導位置彌補。
啟示: 艱巨的任務需要輪流付出,我們要尊重,保護每個人獨特的技術、才能、天分資源。

5) 當某隻雁生病時,會有兩隻雁飛出隊伍,跟在後面,幫助並保護它。
啟示: 如果我們如雁一般,就會在困境中彼此支持,一如我們在順境中茁壯。 

Later we head out for lunch together. The more I listen to them, the more I found the difference between them now and what I was used to be. On the one hand, I feel like a dumb idiot back in those days.  On the other hand, it also reminded me of what I used to be on the good side. The passion about the future, the passion with the people and things around me, the passion which is now fading, but I wish so much to get hold of. I am happy to be in the part of this. Like what JA said, let them by our inspirations.

~ Lindberg

